The spoken word is a powerful tool, which many of us over look. It’s not just about the words you say, it’s how you say them. Which is one of the reasons I love this TEDx talk by performance poets, not only will you see poetry in a different light, you’ll see the passion and energy that these poets bring to topics worth talking about.
Rose’s slam poem on feminism and rape culture really struck a chord with me, every girl and mother’s with sons should watch it, boys should probably watch it too.
Every Thursday is #HeroDay in The Winning Women York Facebook group and this week my hero shout out goes to
Rose Drew. I had the pleasure of attending TEDx Pocklington in June last year, and the event had a lasting impact on me, just not in the way I originally thought.
I came away from the day feeling fired up and ready to launch myself headlong into the themes of education and communication, with an enthusiasm for the developments in technology and the impact it will have not only in schools and in businesses as this generation of digital natives enter the workforce, but also the impact on marketing communications and digital purchasing power. I even referred to it as a life changing experience.
What I hadn’t realised was how much The Spoken Word talk had relit my passion for creative writing (outside of a business or marketing setting). And that the life changing element actually started with my brief chat with Rose where I said
Poetry has been missing from my life
And now thanks to Rose I get my monthly fix at York Spoken Word, which has been running for 10 years on the 1st Tuesday of the month at the Exhibition Hotel on Bootham/Gillygate. Being part of this group of poets and writers has also opened up a world of literary events in and around York into my social calendar, which have so far included book launches with Stairwell Books, Ryedale Book Festival, and the pre-launch for York Literature Festival (Festival dates 10-23 March).
And since January is a goal setting month I have set myself a personal goal to have one of my poems published somewhere (anywhere) by the end of the year!
Rose is also involved in organising a poetry protest tonight at Dusk in York as part of a worldwide night of arts in support of Ashraf Fayadh, a Palestinean poet facing execution in Saudia Arbia.
Who has been your hero recently? Has anyone inspired you to get involved with something new or reignited your passion for something that has fallen by the wayside in the grind of daily life?
My first day at Conquer Camp
Conquer Camp is a 2 week virtual digital camp for entrepreneurs wanting to take action and acts as an implementation incubator for your business. So if you feel stuck in ... Read more
Entrepreneur Skills for Life
Cameron Herold's Ted Talk "Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs" is interesting, it makes me challenge the way I was taught to save, how I was paid for the jobs ... Read more